Photo Sasha Cohen
What is the craziest idea you've heard that might actually be in the show?
So we're miming peeing in cups and then we pour it over ourselves while undulating...
Tell us a secret.
I pretend I don't really care about the Olympics, and then when they come along I'm staying up til 4am getting really emotional. I just cried when Mack Horton won his Gold medal for 400m Freestyle.
Have you ever pretended not to know someone?
Yes. Haven't we all? Isn't it sometimes better than embarrassing that person who is also pretending not to know you?! If a tree falls in a forest...
You're lost in the bush. Which cast or crew member would you choose to have with you?
It's all or nothing - if I can't have the entire cast with me then I'm drinking the Kool-Aid. It's pure magic when we're all together!
What musical instrument (that you don't currently play) do you wish you were amazing at playing?
Drums! They're just so cool and plus I'd also have killer guns 💪🏻.
Tell us about a time you laughed inappropriately.
At the moving pictures when I saw 'Gone Girl'. I found it ridiculously melodramatically macabre and Neil Patrick Harris as the love interest = HILARIOUS! At the end an old lady came up to me and said 'I'd like to thank you for ruining the entire movie for everyone in this cinema!'