What's your experience of being an outsider?
When i first moved to Paris to study, I wasn't at all confident with the language. It was an overwhelming, and at times, isolating experience.
Where do you consider to be home?
This is a question I am currently struggling with. I left Brisbane at 18 and have moved cities and countries. Anywhere can be home, and nowhere is home. I suppose I don't necessarily feel like I have a place I belong, I do however have someone I belong with. That makes me feel at home!
When was the last time you wailed?
Ummm last night.
What is the craziest idea you've come up with that might actually be in the show?
Pouring urine all over myself whilst undulating/gyrating.
You're lost in the bush. Who from the cast would you pick to be with you?
If I was lost in the bush...I would want to be with my fellow Furies. Bodelle and Victoria would keep me laughing and I'm sure they would have some handy survival skills.