What role are you playing?
Godard: badass, smartass, played by A.S.S.
What have you watched to research your role?
Oh baby. Demolition Man, Alien, The Fifth Element, Logan's Run, Coyote Ugly.
What is the audience going to get a kick out of in Zeroville?
Yes, the audience may get kicked.
When is the last time you cried, got really angry or laughed hysterically?
Yes, this is the same photo as the other day. Photo by Sasha Cohen.
Last night in the wee hours with my housemates discussing Tinder. I'm pretty sure we went through all of those extremes in the one conversation. Tinder does that.
What's been your experience of Parramatta?
It's delightful.
What is the main thing that will spell the end of the human race?
If you could hire an actor to voice-over your life, who would it be?
Sylvester Stallone...and Barbra Streisand on days where it's a musical.
A moment when you were like, "Yes, I am making fucking art right now!"
"Uhhhmmm...Michael...Would you mind...I mean, I just wanted to *try* it...If maybe...At this point...I could possibly...I mean it might look silly...But....
Is there a celebrity or someone with whom you are totally obsessed? What would you do if you met him/her?
YES - Michael Dean. Oh my God. I don't know. Act all over him. He's such a babe.
Describe your relationship with technology.
Photo: Sasha Cohen
I got half way through this questionnaire and accidentally deleted the whole thing. Technology fail.
How is this production different from anything you've done or seen before?
What are you talking about? A futuristic, film noir, sci-fi, performed in a glass box with live music, dance, fight scenes, comedy, drama and me looking like the love child of Dick Tracy and the Eddie out of Who Framed Roger Rabbit? It's pretty same same...