Next let's talk to Roadkill Confidential's amazing Movement Director, Amanda Laing.
What do you love the most about the KXT?
The lifts! Oh the fun you can have with lifts! It’s such a fantastic space with amazing architectural features to play with. What theatre has usable lifts and big windows with a view of city that you can use?!…..but also cover and not use! The versatility is going to make way from some really exciting work.
What is something you're obsessive about?
Soda water. I’m addicted. Seriously. It’s so good. I mean, how awesome does soda water make the act of drinking water?! Pop some lemon and lime in and hello! But seriously, I have a problem. I need a Soda Stream machine. Is that my payment Michael? You’re buying me a Soda Stream with the profits?
Profits? Soda water is bad for you. What would you name your band?
Soda Stream
If you were a serial killer who would you target and how would you dispatch them?
People who put plastic bags in recycling bins. There’s no logic in putting your recycling into plastic bags and into a recycling bin. What’s the deal with that?! I’d give them a life sentence of community service searching through recycling bins for plastic bags!
If you had $104.7 million to fund arts, what would you do?
I'd put it towards supporting gender parity in the performing arts. The statistics are frightening. I’d encourage people to become familiar with a fabulous new lobby group - Women In Theatre & Screen, Australia (WITS). Women have stories to tell and deserve equal representation within the industry. I am proud that this inaugural production at KXT is written by a female playwright, with the production team sitting at 5 females and 3 males with a cast of 2 females and 3 males. This issue is important and the time for change is now.