How is this production different?
Michael said early on in the process that we should really revel in the fact that we are underground theatre and so can do whatever we want. I think we have all taken that spirit on board and have created a show that is weird and wonderful and messy and powerful and maybe blissfully short for some – it only goes for ONE HOUR!!
Favourite moment so far in rehearsals?
Probably the first time we ran the show. It was a bit of a disastrous mess but I was able to see all of the work done by the Chorus in their ‘Secret Chorus Rehearsals’ and how much they elevated each scene. I’m also loving being lifted and manhandled by the Chorus in particular moments of Phaedra’s frenzy… Look, I think what I’m trying to say is, I just really wish I was in the Chorus.
Tell us about a peak artistic experience.
When my thought process in rehearsals was “Oh, that’s great the deer carcass will be set on the table, it means I can really grind up against it”
Favourite New Wave/Synthpop/Post-Punk artist or song?
Love the Divinyls, love Chrissy Amphlett – especially the "Pleasure and Pain" video. Her gaze is so intense and direct, each time I watch it I feel so guilty for screwing her over.
Have you ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have?
…the Chorus?