Michael Cullen and bull ant productions
in association with lies, lies and propaganda
the best corn chip in the universe
written and performed by michael cullen
Michael's life is routine. He cries out to the Universe for something more. The Universe responds. Didn't see that one coming, did he?
Using physical theatre, puppetry and clowning, you'll witness the creation of the universe, evolution, black holes, omnipotent beings, cups of tea and a Corn Chip - the best one in the Universe.
winner of the 2016 sydney fringe "tour ready" award
The Old 505 5 Eliza St, Newtown
September 2016
The Flying Nun by Brand X East Sydney Community and Arts Centre
34-40 Burton St, Darlinghurst
12-13 July 2019
Let’s Be Together Arts Festival Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
September 2019